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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Follow the link below and complete the form. We will contact you within 24 hours to provide your quote and confirm your cleaning appointment.



Follow the link below to find the Luxxe location that services your area. We will gather your information to provide a quote and schedule your appointment.


Can't find your answer?

You can email us at contact@luxxeclean.com or directly contact your local Luxxe
Do you bring cleaning supplies?
  • Yes! We provide all the cleaning supplies needed to clean your home. We appreciate using your vacuum and mop, although we always bring our own if yours is unavailable.

Do I need to be home while you are cleaning?
  • No, you do not need to be home while we are cleaning as long as we have a way to enter. Most clients leave us with a door code or key. If you are home, we will gladly work around you.
  • For residential cleanings, they will see the best results. If they tidy up and Declutter before our arrival, this includes putting away personal items so we can effectively clean surfaces.
What if I have pets in my home?
  • We are used to working around pets. If you have a pet, please notify us upon booking. We ask that you have them in a kennel or confined in a specific area while we clean.

Do I need to sign a contract?
  • No, you are not bound to a contract. We want you to WANT us there!

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my visit?
  • We require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to cancel or reschedule your visit to avoid fees. Our team’s availability will determine the rescheduling. We may charge a $25.00 fee due to cancellation or rescheduling of cleaning within 24 hours of a scheduled appointment.

How do I schedule a cleaning?
  • We offer two ways to schedule a cleaning visit.
  • Book online: Simply fill out the form on the Book Online page of our website, and we will email you a quote. If we have any questions, we will call you directly. https://luxxecleaning.com/request-an-estimate/
  • Call or Email: Use our find location search to find the office that services your area. Then, you can call the site directly or email us using the contact form on the Locations Page.
    • We can also handle their scheduling for an additional fee for Vacation Rental properties.
    • Residential and commercial clients are usually on a schedule, or they can just call us when they need to book a service.
  • Do you have questions? We are happy to discuss them by email or on the phone. We will also call you to confirm the date and time of your cleaning appointment.
Do you use Eco-Friendly cleaning products?
  • We offer an Eco-Friendly Cleaning option and mostly use Safely or Mrs. Meyer’s cleaning products. We can work with you to find the best choice for your home and family before we start your cleaning.

What types of payment can I use for my cleaning visits?
  • You can pay with any major credit card or E-transfer. Payment is expected upon receiving the invoice.

When will I be charged?
  • Payment is expected upon receiving the invoice for your cleaning visit.

Are you Insured, Licensed, and Bonded?
  • We are an insured, bonded & licensed business.

Do I have the same cleaner at each visit?
  • We aim to provide you with the same cleaning team at each visit. We would send a different cleaner or team on the occasion of illness or booked time off. Our standard is taught consistently to all our cleaners. If you are unsatisfied with your team, we will find the right fit for you.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my cleaning visit?
  • No! We want you to have us come clean without having to “clean for your cleaner!” If you feel the need to do something, tidying up the space of things you think should be put away is helpful. There is absolutely no obligation to have anything clean before we come.
  • Putting things away or decluttering is recommended but optional.
I've never had a cleaning before, does that cost extra?
  • The first cleaning is always slightly more than our standard cleaning and is considered a Deep Clean. We want to ensure your home sparkles, and because most of our clients choose recurring cleanings on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedule, we want to pay special attention to removing all that dust, dirt, and residue accumulated over time.

Do you clean homes just once, or do you have to clean long-term?
  • We offer many different types of cleaning programs. Most of our customers choose recurring cleanings weekly, biweekly, or monthly schedule.

What if I am not satisfied with the cleaning?
  • Luxxe Cleaning Co. offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Please notify us within 24hrs of your cleaning visit to qualify. Include any photos when able. Doing this allows us to come back and make it right.

I'm interested in working for you. How do I apply?
If there is a problem, who can I call?
  • You want to contact your local Luxxe Cleaning Co. office, with whom you scheduled your cleaning. They will be able to help you in a prompt and efficiently. You can find the contact information by searching for an office near you on our Find a Location page

How many hours is a typical cleaning service?
  • Cleanings depend on the size of your home and the type of cleaning you are requesting. We recommend you plan on most cleanings taking 2-3 hours. You can always ask the office near you to provide an estimated time.

Do you offer franchising opportunities?

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